Friday, March 28, 2014

Acumen: Quickness of Perception or Discernment

Dear reader,

Congratulations, you've managed to stumble across my collection of eclectic everythings. I am going to warn you: this is my mind we are talking about, and it is probably going to get weird every now and again (which translates to every post, probably). I figure this blog will have a purpose eventually, even if it is only to write down my thoughts. I was told once that if you don't write things down, you forget them. I want to remember what being 19 was like or what 20 was like, and so on and so forth. I want to remember what I thought about thai food and lipstick and spearmint gum. If you're still reading, I am assuming you also care about my petty interests, as well. That's pretty cool of you.  I might do book reviews, or post pictures of what I wore that day if I am feeling egotistical (you are then obligated to tell me how pretty I look or something along those lines. That's how selfies work, right?). Maybe I will enlighten you on fun ways to do your hair or tell you about a terribly embarrassing dating story (you might actually want to stick around for those...they will make you feel 98% better about your love life, I pinky swear). I don't know. I am probably going to post a lot of pictures of cats or poems about cats or general I LOVE CATS posts. They are my spirit animal. As soon as I don't live in an apartment complex that discriminates against my favorite furry felines, I plan to have at least 2. Or maybe 12. The number isn't important. If you are sitting here thinking, "I hate cats", then I hate you and you should find a different blog to waste your time reading.

I am assuming I should start this shindig off with a bang (mostly to bribe you into coming back again...) So here goes nothing. 5 things I love. I hope I can convince you to love them, too. Enjoy, little reader.

1. Letters. I don't know about you, but I love mail. I mean, I seriously LOVE mail. I get all excited when I found out that someone sent me a card or a package (it might even be from myself. thank you, online shopping). It is a trillion times better than a text or Facebook message.

2. Cats. I am not entirely sure why I didn't make this number one, but here we are at number two (don't be alarmed, cats are still #1 in my heart). They are the best. As I am on my way to becoming a veterinarian, I work with cats all the time. They are obnoxious, loud, sneaky, cuddly and adorable all at the same time. So basically I am a cat in human form.

3. Pocket Watches. When I was in first grade, I saved up all my allowances for weeks just so I could go to Walmart and buy a pocket watch. I was convinced I wouldn't be cool without one (not that any other 6 year old was begging for them, but I was a trend setter back in those days). My parents were completely perplexed by my fixation with a shiny, gold pocket watch (to be fair, they were perplexed by most things I did. This wasn't unusual). I can't really tell you why I think they're so great except they make me feel old fashioned and that's a fun feeling.

4. Reading. I read everything. Dictionaries, novels, the back of cereal boxes, ingredient lists, textbooks. The whole nine yards. Chances are, if it has words on it, I want to read it. I have run out of room on my book shelf at my parents house, and now my apartment. I can't walk into a book store without buying one. My wallet really hates that little habit. My eyes actually itch when I haven't read for a while. It's weird. I warned you.

5. Lipstick. It is the holy grail of makeup, the distracter for bad hair days, the little something extra that pulls an entire outfit together. I swear by it. If you are think you can't pull it off, you are WRONG. Unless you are a guy. Then please don't wear it. Moral of the story: lipstick is my best friend and it should be yours, too.


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